Bogart/Glenwood Infill Housing Project


  • Avondale Development Corporation (ADC) will construct 12 new single-family houses for Bogart Avenue.

  • The project includes the design, construction, and completion of twelve (12) new single-family homes on 6 separate sites (4 on Bogart Avenue and 2 on Glenwood Avenue).

  • The homes will consist of 3-bedroom units with a unit square foot size of approximately 1,400-1,600 sft.

  • The 12 units will be affordable to individuals in the 80% AMI range.

  • Locations: 3584 Bogart Avenue, 3586 Bogart Avenue, 3589 Bogart Avenue, 3585 Bogart Avenue, 689 Glenwood Avenue & 656 Glenwood Avenue.

The new development will achieve the following objectives:

  • Ensure housing choices that respect and sustain a vibrant Avondale

  • Introduce new housing that serves unmet demands

  • Improve the marketability of all housing in Avondale

  • Encourage housing in areas of development momentum, building on and supporting future developments of scale.


  • Provide new quality housing options for Avondale

  • Provide 12 visitable homes to support the disabled and senior residents

  • Work with MBE/WBE subcontractors. We have a goal of 25%.

  • Make Avondale a viable housing option for the more than 60,000 employees that travel to the Uptown area daily


  • Ground will be in 2025

  • Construction is anticipated to commence in 2025

Development Team

  • Owner/Development Entity: Bogart - Glenwood LLC (A wholly-owned ADC subsidiary)

  • Construction Manager: TBD

  • Pre-Development Lender: LISC

  • Construction Lender: Ohio Housing Finance Agency, Single Family Tax Credit, Cincinnati Development Fund

  • Lead Sales Agent: TBD

  • Market Analysis: National Land Advisory Group

  • Construction Loan Guarantor: TBD

  • Development/Project Advisor: Kaiker Development

  • Subsidy(GAP) Providers: CCHMC & City of Cincinnati

  • General Contractor: Kaiker Development