Bogart/Glenwood Infill Housing Project
Avondale Development Corporation (ADC) will construct 12 new single-family houses for Bogart Avenue.
The project includes the design, construction, and completion of twelve (12) new single-family homes on 6 separate sites (4 on Bogart Avenue and 2 on Glenwood Avenue).
The homes will consist of 3-bedroom units with a unit square foot size of approximately 1,400-1,600 sft.
The 12 units will be affordable to individuals in the 80% AMI range.
Locations: 3584 Bogart Avenue, 3586 Bogart Avenue, 3589 Bogart Avenue, 3585 Bogart Avenue, 689 Glenwood Avenue & 656 Glenwood Avenue.
The new development will achieve the following objectives:
Ensure housing choices that respect and sustain a vibrant Avondale
Introduce new housing that serves unmet demands
Improve the marketability of all housing in Avondale
Encourage housing in areas of development momentum, building on and supporting future developments of scale.
Provide new quality housing options for Avondale
Provide 12 visitable homes to support the disabled and senior residents
Work with MBE/WBE subcontractors. We have a goal of 25%.
Make Avondale a viable housing option for the more than 60,000 employees that travel to the Uptown area daily
Ground will be in 2025
Construction is anticipated to commence in 2025
Development Team
Owner/Development Entity: Bogart - Glenwood LLC (A wholly-owned ADC subsidiary)
Construction Manager: TBD
Pre-Development Lender: LISC
Construction Lender: Ohio Housing Finance Agency, Single Family Tax Credit, Cincinnati Development Fund
Lead Sales Agent: TBD
Market Analysis: National Land Advisory Group
Construction Loan Guarantor: TBD
Development/Project Advisor: Kaiker Development
Subsidy(GAP) Providers: CCHMC & City of Cincinnati
General Contractor: Kaiker Development