Going into 2023 with a head of steam.
2022 was a remarkably productive year for ADC – from launching our new three-year strategic plan and helping administer Fifth Third Bank’s $20 million investment in Avondale to conducting all manner of community engagement projects – including a huge win for residents of Colonial Village made possible by our Quality of Life initiative. Time flies when you’re making a difference!
Next year is already shaping up to be a truly signature year for Avondale and ADC. In the first quarter of 2023, Phase I of the Hale Avenue Townhomes project will be finished – making available seven new affordable townhomes for families earning no more than 120% of the area median income. Blair Lofts will also be completed in the first quarter, bringing 64 more affordable housing units online. Derek McCain, our new Director of Real Estate and Community Development, is going to be busy.
2023 will mark year two of Fifth Third’s Empowering Black Futures neighborhood program, and we expect that program to pick up speed in the new year. You’ll also see further implementation of our Quality of Life initiative under the able guidance of Jerita Simpson, the initiative’s new Project Director. QOL is Avondale’s official master plan for Avondale, having received unanimous approval from the Avondale Community Council, the City Planning Commission and Cincinnati City Council. It touches on all major aspects of Avondale’s development, including housing and retail, streets, safety, schools, parks, social services and opportunities for economic advancement.
Whether you’re a developer, funder, future Avondale resident or just want to be a part of Cincinnati’s hottest neighborhood, there is a place for you at ADC. Feel free to reach out to me at rhairston@growavondale.org at any time to explore the possibilities.