Status update on the Empowering Black Futures Avondale investment program

In the ongoing pursuit of community development and empowerment, Avondale Development Corporation (ADC) has implemented a comprehensive strategy aimed at addressing various facets of community well-being and economic mobility. Here's a summary of their initiatives and their current status.

Next Generation of Homeowners

Avondale Homeownership Seminar w/ Ohio Mortgage Brokers Association, April 2024

·       Launched a program to assist potential homebuyers in acquiring and rehabilitating existing single-family homes in Avondale in collaboration with the Ohio Mortgage Brokers Association, and plans for additional trainings in 2024-2025.

·       Partnered with a counseling agency to prepare residents for homeownership, creating a steady pipeline of future homeowners.

·       Collaborated with the City to expand policies and tools to prevent displacement of existing homeowners.

Black Entrepreneurs / Workforce Development

Support for Cincinnati Healing Arts, March 2023

·       Provided technical assistance to Black-owned businesses within the Economic Blueprint for Neighborhood Prosperity (EBFNP).

·      Plans to establish a workforce training and job placement program targeting various trades.

Healthy Avondale:

·       Relaunched the Avondale Home Improvement Program (AHIP) and supported key cultural and arts installations or facilities.

·       Operationalized the Innovation Greenway through programming.

·       Explored programs aimed at increasing digital literacy and Wi-Fi access for residents.

·       Explored leveraging a Community Investment Trust (CIT) model to provide residents ways to invest in commercial development.

BEFORE - 3576 Wilson Avenue

AFTER - 3576 Wilson Avenue

Capacity Building

·       Developed a staffing plan and filled positions under each strategy area, laying the groundwork for effective implementation.

·       Established key partnerships across strategy areas, formalized by MOUs/agreements, including an agreement with Willie Hill.

·       Engaged Avondale Community Council (ACC) to review and provide feedback on the Economic Mobility Plan, with quarterly updates planned.

·       Drafted and submitted a community engagement and empowerment strategy to formalize the role of the community in program design.·      

Secured training opportunities for ADC staff and identified a data partner to track and evaluate progress.

·       Approved funding for programs aimed at increasing digital literacy and Wi-Fi access.

·       Submitted applications for CHDO status and continued efforts to establish a formal growth and sustainability plan for ADC.

Ongoing Efforts

·       Acquiring key properties to address public safety and spur revitalization.

·       Supporting the development of mixed-income and mixed-use multi-family projects.

·       Revitalizing key economic corridors such as Burnet Ave, Reading Road, and Vine Street.

Overall, ADC's multifaceted approach reflects its dedication to fostering economic mobility, community engagement, and sustainable development in Avondale. By leveraging partnerships, implementing innovative programs, and addressing key community needs, ADC continues to make significant strides towards creating a vibrant and inclusive neighborhood for all residents.

Patrick Cartier